BizSwitch is the core
and the transaction hub of the whole software
platform. It handles transaction all
authorisations flowing through the system. A
highly flexible central component that supports
multiple business channels and multiple protocol
integrations. |
Decides on routing of transactions depending on
its dynamic configuration database, allowing one
to change routing decisions in real-time, with
no system down time. |
Executes the clearing of transactions among the
set of entities participating in a transaction
and produces the data for the settlement
process. |
Card Usage Level
Controls card usage by setting limits on
operations. |
Real-Time Sessions
Supports real-time session management with
external entities. |
BizSwitch has been designed as a non-stop
processing environment, providing a
high-availability service level. |
BizATM drives ATM and Kiosk networks. It
supports: Cash Withdraw, Balance Inquiry,
Mini-Statement, Bank Account Transfer, Services
Payments (e.g. utility bills), Government
Payments, and Mobile Phone Top-Ups.
Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) is supported for withdrawal operations.
Some of the administration operations supported
are: Initialisation, Devices Testing, Captured
Cards Listing, Bank Notes Reload, and Accounting
Period Close. |
Terminal Driving
Supports ISO 8583 terminal protocol standard (or
web-based thin client). It handles both magnetic
cards and card "chip" EMV transactions. |
Transaction Processing
Handles processing of the transactions related
to ATMs, interfacing with BizSwitch to complete
the processing cycle. |
Services & Advertising
Allows for additional services to be provided
through ATMs or Kiosks. Provides capabilities
that allow the ATM to be used as an advertising
channel, taking full advantage of rich
multimedia information. |
Network Management
In case of ATM anomalies, the plug-in BizAlert
generates alerts, which can be forwarded to
maintenance teams via eMail or SMS. |
BizPOS drives POS networks.
At the POS level, it supports Client Operations like Purchase, Purchase Cancellation, Refund, Service Payments (Utilities Bills), Mobile Phone Top-Ups, and Account Balance.
Magnetic stripe, EMV chip, Contactless and card not present operations are supported.
Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) is supported for purchase operations.
BizPos provides, at the POS level, the following
administration operations: Totals Enquiry, POS
Transactions Enquiry and Accounting Period
Close. |
Terminal Drive
Supports ISO 8583 terminal protocol standard. It
feeds POS Accounting Period Close information to
BizSwitch for clearing purposes. |
Merchant Card Brands
Defines card "brands" and acceptance rules based
on BINs set. Allows for the setting of specific
MSCs (Merchant Service Charges) and CSC
(Cardholder Service Charges) to be applied to
each card brand. |
Merchant Service Charge
MSCs may be defined in multiple ways, including
different definitions for different card-brands
and/or transaction amounts, like "Fixed amount
or percentage of transaction value with a
minimum/maximum". |
Service Charges
The system also allow the definition of CSC
(Client Service Charge). The CSC is a commission
that will be added to the transaction amount
charged to the cardholder. |
BizCard is the Card Management system used by
issuers. It handles the complete Card
Life-Cycle, namely "card request", "card logical
generation", interconnection with physical card
personalisation subsystem, "card activation", "card usage", transaction authorisations, and
BizCard has a rich set of features, including:
Multi-Issuer, New Cards Requests, Credit Card
Account, Authorizations, Revolving Credit,
Real-time Fraud Prevention, Emission and Usage
Fees, Issuance of Statements, Incidents/Claims,
Temporary Credit, Emergency Cards, Installment Payment and Loyalty
Programs Integration. |
Multi-Issuer &
BizCard supports simultaneously multiple issuers
and multiple product management with different
business rules, different pricing, etc. |
Credit, Debit &
Pre-Paid Cards
Management of card types, namely credit cards,
debit cards and pre-paid cards. Cards may be
"private" label, Visa, Mastercard,
American Express, China UnionPay, Diners Club, etc. |
Highly Customised
System can be customised to address multiple
business needs and provides issuers with strong
competitive advantage via product
differentiation. |
BizMobile covers both
traditional mobile-banking needs and
mobile-money functionality.
In the mobile-money area, it allows for Fund
Transfer, Payment and Withdraws using mobile
devices and does not require the end-user to
have a bank account. The system manages
automatically the individual virtual account
associated with each mobile device. |
Mobile Money
BizMobile enables funds transfer to mobile
phones, using cards at an ATM or transfer from
mobile-to-mobile accounts. |
Withdraw at ATM
BizMobile users can withdraw cash from their
virtual account at ATMs without a card, and also
check their balance or print mini-statements. |
Payments at POS
BizMobile users can make payments at POSs
without a card. |
Mobile Banking
BizMobile allow the user to execute queries and transaction over its bank account |
BizFraud is a Fraud Detection and Prevention
module. It detects fraudulent transactions by
operating according to a set of configured
BizFraud implements industry best-practices and
recommendations for fraud detection. The
behaviour of entities like Merchant or Card is
monitored by continuously analysing specific
variables and metrics. |
Rules Driven Engine
Rules can be defined by MCC for a BIN,
specifically for a Merchant, for a specific
card, or using an association Merchant/BIN. It
allow the setting of ranges of card numbers for
application specific actions. |
Alerts &
Transaction Refusal
Once a transaction is classified as “suspected
fraud”, BizFraud can generate warning messages
or even ensure that the transaction is refused
at the terminal. |
Monitor & Log
Provides monitoring panels for quick overview of
system alerts, accordingly to their criticality
level. It maintains an historic information
database for subsequent detailed analysis of
alerts by back-office teams. |
BizFirst software suite is based on a modular
software architecture that allows functionality extensions
by plugging into the base infrastructure
additional functional modules. |
BizAlert |
Plug-in module that allows to send alerts and
notifications to merchants and cardholders via
eMail or via mobile communication
services. It is commonly used for real-time
end-user notification of financial transactions
execution. |
BizVisa Acquiring |
Plug-in module that implements VISA
specifications, allowing for seamless
interconnection with VISAnet international
network for all the acquiring business activity
processing, whether over ATM and POS network,
Internet or other card-not-present scenarios.
BizVisa Acquiring has been certified by VISA in
BizMasterCard Acquiring |
Plug-in module functionally equivalent to
BizVisa Acquiring, providing support for
MasterCard specifications. |
BizVisa Issuing |
module that implements VISA specifications for
all the Issuing business activity processing. It processes
real-time transactions originated in other
domestic or international acquiring networks and
routed through VISAnet. This module also handles
clearing files submitted by VISA. BizVisa
has been certified by VISA in EMEA. |
BizMasterCard Issuing |
Plug-in module functionally equivalent to
BizVisa Issuing, providing support for MasterCard
specifications. |
Others |
Other Plug-ins are available for Issuing and Acquiring
American Express, China UnionPay and Diners Club. |